Perfect Strangers Review by Armchaircritic
Perfect Strangers Movie Review by Armchaircritic

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I'm no fan of either Halle Barry, nor Bruce Willis. Maybe that explains why this disc sat next to the TV set for months, and never seemed to make it into the machine. The other reviews of this film aren't even good. This all makes me wonder why I really liked this film.
Halle Berry plays Rowena Price, an investigative reporter that writes under a pseudonym. When she gets shut out of exposing a Senator as a pedophile, she turns her attention to a childhood friend's murder. The trail leads to Manhattan ad exec Harrison Hill's doorstep, so Rowena infiltrates as a temp. Along the way she gets some help from Miles Haley (Giovanni Ribisi) who is her computer expert from the paper.
A thriller plot lives or dies on two things in my mind: can I figure it out halfway through, and am I on the edge of my seat for the majority of the film. On both counts, Perfect Stranger does succeed. The film did have me wondering till the very end, but in retrospect, there were clues to the final outcome throughout, which makes for a satisfying "aha" moment with only a few minutes till the final credits.
After months of avoiding this film, I'm surprised to say that this is the best film I've seen this week (although there wasn't much competition). Don't be a perfect stranger to Perfect Stranger.
Overall Grade: B+
This review is provided by The Armchair Critic, bringing you the most opinionated reviews from the world of entertainment

Buy the Movie Poster for Perfect Strangers
I'm no fan of either Halle Barry, nor Bruce Willis. Maybe that explains why this disc sat next to the TV set for months, and never seemed to make it into the machine. The other reviews of this film aren't even good. This all makes me wonder why I really liked this film.
Halle Berry plays Rowena Price, an investigative reporter that writes under a pseudonym. When she gets shut out of exposing a Senator as a pedophile, she turns her attention to a childhood friend's murder. The trail leads to Manhattan ad exec Harrison Hill's doorstep, so Rowena infiltrates as a temp. Along the way she gets some help from Miles Haley (Giovanni Ribisi) who is her computer expert from the paper.
A thriller plot lives or dies on two things in my mind: can I figure it out halfway through, and am I on the edge of my seat for the majority of the film. On both counts, Perfect Stranger does succeed. The film did have me wondering till the very end, but in retrospect, there were clues to the final outcome throughout, which makes for a satisfying "aha" moment with only a few minutes till the final credits.
After months of avoiding this film, I'm surprised to say that this is the best film I've seen this week (although there wasn't much competition). Don't be a perfect stranger to Perfect Stranger.
Overall Grade: B+
This review is provided by The Armchair Critic, bringing you the most opinionated reviews from the world of entertainment
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