Bedtime Stories Movie Review by derek_fleek
Bedtime Stories Movie Review by Derek_fleek

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This review will concern itself with the standard DVD rather than the Blu-ray version.
The critically despised comedian Adam Sandler has explored many different genres of filmmaking. Whether these films involve his usual dimwitted alter-ego or are more family-oriented affairs, he always manages to score well-earned laughs that underline a meaningful message even if the material is often saturated with flatulence jokes.
Here, Skeeter Bronson (Adam Sandler) is a hotel handyman who has been working for the company for many years and has never been appreciated for his hard work. It is when he decides to babysit his sister’s children and begins to tell them his "once upon a time" stories that things begin to look a little brighter for Skeeter. These stories begin to magically come to life and with the help of his niece and nephew he begins to believe in happy endings.
This Limited-Time Combo Pack includes a Blu-ray disc, DVD, and digital copy of the film. Unfortunately, the assortment doesn’t have enough special features to please those who want to spend more for a single film in different formats. However, as Adam Sandler has pleased many times in the past, Bedtimes Stories is certainly a film not to be missed by Sandler fans.
Director Adam Shankman (Hairspray, The Pacifier) steers Sandler in the direction of lighthearted comedy and keeps things sanitary enough for children and agreeable enough for adults. Sandler maintains a goofy persona (by no means surprising), but it’s Russell Brand and a bug-eyed guinea pig who generate most of the film’s best laughs. Both clever and diverting, Bedtimes Stories is a treat the entire family can enjoy. Even if you can’t stand Sandler’s dimwitted humor, you should be able to easily overlook any stupidity and respond to the heartfelt message and ability to bring out an abundance of imagination in kids.
Bedtime Stories is an altogether enjoyable, sporadically hilarious, and always magical story gifted with a great cast and nimble director. Jonathan Morgan Heit and Laura Ann Kesling are adorable as the kids, and kudos to the on-the-mark visual and verbal gags that flood the screen. It’s a film that prevails in its sincere approach and heartfelt message, brought to life by a talented cast. Although flawed by occasional stupidity and juvenile antics (remember, this is Adam Sandler), it succeeds in being irresistibly cute, noticeably charming, and wholly entertaining.
Special features are on the Blu-Ray disc and contain "Hilarious Bloopers and Deleted Scenes," "Get To Know Bugsy The Big-Eyed Guinea Pig," and a "Behind-The-Scenes Look At The Special Effects." 3.5/5 stars

Buy the Movie Poster for Bedtime Stories
This review will concern itself with the standard DVD rather than the Blu-ray version.
The critically despised comedian Adam Sandler has explored many different genres of filmmaking. Whether these films involve his usual dimwitted alter-ego or are more family-oriented affairs, he always manages to score well-earned laughs that underline a meaningful message even if the material is often saturated with flatulence jokes.
Here, Skeeter Bronson (Adam Sandler) is a hotel handyman who has been working for the company for many years and has never been appreciated for his hard work. It is when he decides to babysit his sister’s children and begins to tell them his "once upon a time" stories that things begin to look a little brighter for Skeeter. These stories begin to magically come to life and with the help of his niece and nephew he begins to believe in happy endings.
This Limited-Time Combo Pack includes a Blu-ray disc, DVD, and digital copy of the film. Unfortunately, the assortment doesn’t have enough special features to please those who want to spend more for a single film in different formats. However, as Adam Sandler has pleased many times in the past, Bedtimes Stories is certainly a film not to be missed by Sandler fans.
Director Adam Shankman (Hairspray, The Pacifier) steers Sandler in the direction of lighthearted comedy and keeps things sanitary enough for children and agreeable enough for adults. Sandler maintains a goofy persona (by no means surprising), but it’s Russell Brand and a bug-eyed guinea pig who generate most of the film’s best laughs. Both clever and diverting, Bedtimes Stories is a treat the entire family can enjoy. Even if you can’t stand Sandler’s dimwitted humor, you should be able to easily overlook any stupidity and respond to the heartfelt message and ability to bring out an abundance of imagination in kids.
Bedtime Stories is an altogether enjoyable, sporadically hilarious, and always magical story gifted with a great cast and nimble director. Jonathan Morgan Heit and Laura Ann Kesling are adorable as the kids, and kudos to the on-the-mark visual and verbal gags that flood the screen. It’s a film that prevails in its sincere approach and heartfelt message, brought to life by a talented cast. Although flawed by occasional stupidity and juvenile antics (remember, this is Adam Sandler), it succeeds in being irresistibly cute, noticeably charming, and wholly entertaining.
Special features are on the Blu-Ray disc and contain "Hilarious Bloopers and Deleted Scenes," "Get To Know Bugsy The Big-Eyed Guinea Pig," and a "Behind-The-Scenes Look At The Special Effects." 3.5/5 stars
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