Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer Movie Reivew by Moviejunkie
Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer Movie Reivew by Moviejunkie

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HENRY: PORTRAIT OF A SERIAL KILLER is a low-budget independent shocker and is without a doubt, one of the most disturbing films ever made. It is based on the real life exploits of serial killer Henry Lee Lucas.
Henry appears to be a regular guy. Calm, and soft-spoken, actually mild-mannered on the outside. Underneath, an unspeakable rage with all the fury of hell, simmering inside him, constantly searching for someone, anyone to kill.
After being released from prison for the murder of his abusive(physically and mentally)mother and her boyfriend, psychopath Henry takes up residence with an old friend from prison. Meet Otis Toole, played to perfection by Tom Towles, a man, who was apparently born to play the role of "deranged white trash redneck." Things get complicated when Otis's sister Becky decides to move in with them because of some problems back home.
Before you know it, Henry introduces the splendor of cold-blooded murder to Otis, and they become a really sickening pair of homicidal maniacs. At times, Otis seems even more sadistic than Henry.
The beautiful part of this film is that it does not focus on why they kill, but more on the psyche of their killings. These killers feel no remorse for their victims, and think killing is a game. It's just killing for the sake of killing. The film is completely unflinching and grimly realistic and brilliantly acted and directed.
This is a solidly horrifying film that you wont soon forget.

Buy the Movie Poster for Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer
HENRY: PORTRAIT OF A SERIAL KILLER is a low-budget independent shocker and is without a doubt, one of the most disturbing films ever made. It is based on the real life exploits of serial killer Henry Lee Lucas.
Henry appears to be a regular guy. Calm, and soft-spoken, actually mild-mannered on the outside. Underneath, an unspeakable rage with all the fury of hell, simmering inside him, constantly searching for someone, anyone to kill.
After being released from prison for the murder of his abusive(physically and mentally)mother and her boyfriend, psychopath Henry takes up residence with an old friend from prison. Meet Otis Toole, played to perfection by Tom Towles, a man, who was apparently born to play the role of "deranged white trash redneck." Things get complicated when Otis's sister Becky decides to move in with them because of some problems back home.
Before you know it, Henry introduces the splendor of cold-blooded murder to Otis, and they become a really sickening pair of homicidal maniacs. At times, Otis seems even more sadistic than Henry.
The beautiful part of this film is that it does not focus on why they kill, but more on the psyche of their killings. These killers feel no remorse for their victims, and think killing is a game. It's just killing for the sake of killing. The film is completely unflinching and grimly realistic and brilliantly acted and directed.
This is a solidly horrifying film that you wont soon forget.
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