I rented this movie because it had Mel Gibson in it, so I thought it would be halfway decent. Well, it wasn't...and I'm not the best at judging a good movie from its cover. This movie is all over the place at the beginning. If you're not paying attention you'll get lost as to who all the strange characters are and probably just turn the movie off. It stars Mel Gibson as a detective who comes to the L.A. "Million Dollar Hotel" to investigate a murder. The hotel is a rundown place with many odd people who live there. Their is a man who thinks he's Geronimo, a girl who hardly talks to anyone and walks around barefoot, and a guy who's a little slow, but everyone loves. There are also many other characters. Mel Gibson is trying to find who pushed one of the residents from the roof, but none of the residents seem a likely suspect. It's basically an odd movie, not very interesting, and not even that compelling to watch. You don't feel drawn into it wondering who did it. Mostly you're just trying to figure out who all these odd characters are and how they go together. I would not recommend this one. Maybe if you're a die hard Mel Gibson fan, but even then it's not that great. It definitely wasn't one of the worst, but also not too good.

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