Harold and Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay Review by Star757
Harold and Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay Movie Review by star757

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I watched this movie never having seen the first one. There are funny parts, but also some not so funny parts. I watched the unrated version, which has some very crude, disgusting parts. I would not recommend it. I did hear the original version is better without all that stuff. The movie follows Harold and Kumar who are on a plane for Amsterdam when their drug paraphenalia is mistaken for a bomb. They are taken to Guantanamo by a ridiculously dumb Homeland Security agent. Of course they are thought to be terrorists and you can imagine all the jokes they can come up with there. They do escape, make there way to Florida, and head toward Texas where they hope to get help. Kumar's ex-girlfriend, whom he still loves, is about to marry a guy whose dad is big in the gov't, and they hope he can help. The movie follows all their misadventures, and their love-hate relationship as best friends. There are some very funny parts like when they interrogate the parents. Believing Harold's parents to speak Korean they get a translator who can't understand a word they say, although the speak English. Also, watch for Neil Patrick Harris playing himself. This movie is ok, but not something I would go out of my way to watch, and probably stay away from the unrated version.

Buy the Movie Poster for Harold and Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay
I watched this movie never having seen the first one. There are funny parts, but also some not so funny parts. I watched the unrated version, which has some very crude, disgusting parts. I would not recommend it. I did hear the original version is better without all that stuff. The movie follows Harold and Kumar who are on a plane for Amsterdam when their drug paraphenalia is mistaken for a bomb. They are taken to Guantanamo by a ridiculously dumb Homeland Security agent. Of course they are thought to be terrorists and you can imagine all the jokes they can come up with there. They do escape, make there way to Florida, and head toward Texas where they hope to get help. Kumar's ex-girlfriend, whom he still loves, is about to marry a guy whose dad is big in the gov't, and they hope he can help. The movie follows all their misadventures, and their love-hate relationship as best friends. There are some very funny parts like when they interrogate the parents. Believing Harold's parents to speak Korean they get a translator who can't understand a word they say, although the speak English. Also, watch for Neil Patrick Harris playing himself. This movie is ok, but not something I would go out of my way to watch, and probably stay away from the unrated version.
I haven't seen this part yet. I watched Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle and I thought it was funny. If I got a chance I will watch it in HD quality @ http://www.yayvideo.net :)
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