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Friday, May 30, 2008

27 Dresses Movie Review by star757

27 Dresses Movie Review by star757

This movie is about a girl who is always the bridesmaid, never the bride. Simple, well known premise, but it was a fun movie to watch. Not my favorite chick flick ever, but cute and fun. Katherine Heigl stars as Jane, the girl who has been in 27 weddings because she loves them and loves to help the bride. She longs to have her own wedding and is crushing on her boss, played by Edward Burns. He doesn't realize this, but she gladly does any menial job for him. Throw in her glamorous sister just back from Paris who moves in with Jane and falls for her boss. Also it stars James Marsden as the newspaper writer who writes the wedding column every week. He is intrigued by Jane's bridesmaid mania and decides to do a column on it. The beginning of the movie is pretty funny with Jane rushing back and forth for two weddings, changing in the cab as she goes. What will Jane do about her boss? Will she ever truly fall in love and have her dream wedding? This is a fun movie, predictable, but that's why we love chick flicks.


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